Data and information arising from many of Owl Moon Environmental Inc.’s programs often provide novel insights, which we strive to publish in peer-reviewed journals and present at scientific conferences.
Saracco JF, Pyle P, Kaschube DR, Kohler M, Godwin CM, Foster KR (2022) Demographic declines over time and variable responses of breeding bird populations to human footprint in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada. Ornithological Applications. 124: 1-14. (2022). PDF
Kaschube DR, Saracco JF, Ray C, Godwin CM, Foster KR, Pyle P (2022) Minimum capture-recapture rates and years of banding station operations to obtain reliable adult annual survival estimates. Journal of Field Ornithology. 93 (1): 7. (2022). PDF
Carnes BH, Godwin CM, Foster KR, Pyle P (2021) Clarification of molt strategies in three Empidonax flycatchers. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (1): 34-42 (2021). PDF
Davidson CJ, Foster KR, Tanna RN (2019) Forest Health Effects due to Atmospheric Deposition: Findings from Long-term Forest Health monitoring in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region. Science of the Total Environment. 699 (2020): 134277. PDF
Pyle P, Foster KR, Godwin CM, Kaschube DR, Saracco JF (2020) Yearling Proportion Correlates with Habitat Structure in a Boreal Forest Landbird Community. PDF
Foster KR, Davidson C, Tanna RN, Spink D (2019) Introduction to the Virtual Special Issue Monitoring Ecological Responses to Air Quality and Atmospheric Deposition in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region the Wood Buffalo Environmental Associations’s Forest Health Monitoring Program. Science of the Total Environment. 686 (2019): 345-359. PDF
Godwin CM, Barclay RMR, Smits JEG (2019) Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) Nest Success and Nestling Growth Near Oil Sands Mining Operations in Northeastern Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97: 546-557. PDF
Wilson S, Saracco JF, Krikun R, Flockhart DTT, Godwin CM, Foster KR (2018) Drivers of Demographic Decline Across The Annual Cycle of a Threatened Migratory Bird. Scientific Reports 8: 7316. PDF
Lai P, Pyle P, Foster KR, Godwin CM (2017) Identifying Sparrows in Juvenile Plumage. Birding 49: 62-67 PDF
Nordell CJ, Haché S, Bayne EM, Sólymos P, Foster KR, Godwin CM, Krikun R, Pyle P, Hobson KA (2017) Correction: Within-Site Variation in Feather Stable Hydrogen Isotope (δ2Hf) Values of Boreal Songbirds: Implications for Assignment to Molt Origin. PLOS ONE 12(2): e0172619. PDF
Foster KR, Godwin CM, Pyle P, Saracco J (2016) Reclamation and habitat-disturbance effects on landbird abundance and productivity indices in the oil sands region of northeastern Alberta, Canada. Restoration Ecology (Open Access). PDF
Nordell CJ, Haché S, Bayne EM, Sólymos P, Foster KR, Godwin CM, Krikun R, Pyle P, Hobson KA (2016) Within-site variation in feather stable hydrogen isotope (δ2Hf) values of boreal songbirds: implications for assignment to molt origin. PLOS ONE 11(11): e0163957. PDF(Part 1), PDF(Part 2)
French RLK, Roberto-Charron A, Foster KR (2016) The accuracy of wing chord ranges in Pyle (1997) as indicators of sex in North-Central Alberta populations of Least Flycatcher, Myrtle Warbler, and Clay-colored Sparrow. North American Bird Bander 41(3):116-125
Godwin CM, Smits JEG, Barclay RMR (2016) Metals and metalloids in nestling tree swallows and their dietary items near oilsands mine operations in northern Alberta. Science of the Total Environment 562:714-723 PDF
Pyle P, Godwin CM, Foster KR (2015) Identifying juvenile warblers: the fun really begins here. Birding 47:58-69
Foster KR, Godwin CM, Pyle P (2012) Monitoring avian productivity and survivorship in the oil sands region of northeastern Alberta. In: A.B. Fourie, M. Tibbett (Eds) Mine Closure 2012, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Mine Closure, Brisbane Australia. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Nedlands Australia. pp 563-571
Grindal SD, Stefan CI, Godwin-Sheppard C (2011) Diversity, distribution, and relative abundance of bats in the oil sands regions of northeastern Alberta. Northwestern Naturalist 92:211-220
Bauman J, Foster KR, Dabbs DL (2008) Hammerstone Project: A limestone quarry in the heart of the Canadian oil sands. In: Pope J, Morrison-Saunders A (Eds.) IAIA08 The Art and Science of Impact Assessment, 28th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Perth, WA.
Foster KR, McDonald K, Eastlick K (2001) Development and application of critical, target and monitoring loads for the management of acid deposition in Alberta. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution (Focus): 1:135-151

324 Killdeer Way, Fort McMurray, AB T9K 0R3
(403) 512-4039