Ken is an experienced regulatory specialist and environmental scientist with over 40 years in government, consulting, industry, and university positions. Ken’s expertise includes the development and execution of environmental monitoring programs including the Boreal Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program, Oil Sands Bird Contact Monitoring Program (OSBCMP), monitoring wildlife colonization of reclaimed habitats, and the WBEA Terrestrial Environmental Effects Monitoring program. He has been the project manager of multi-disciplinary teams for the preparation of environmental impact assessments for large resource development projects under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (Alberta), the Public Lands Act (Alberta), the Fisheries Act (Canada), and the Navigable Waters Protection Act (Canada). He has lectured on environmental assessment regulation and requirements in the Extension Faculty at the University of Alberta. Within government, Ken prepared regulatory guidelines, including Alberta’s Acid Deposition Management Framework, the Alberta ambient air quality guideline for ethylene, and the national reference level for hydrogen fluoride. His broad experience in the field includes monitoring for songbirds, amphibians, and mammals in forest, prairie, parkland and tundra environments. His volunteer activities have included migration monitoring, and productivity and survivorship studies of Neotropical bird species in Alberta and Costa Rica.

324 Killdeer Way, Fort McMurray, AB T9K 0R3
(403) 512-4039